By far one of the most popular of services offered by independent escorts and agency girls alike has to be the GFE escort service. And although many girls advertise themselves as offering this service not all can carry it off as well as the beautiful London escorts listed with us. Treat yourself to a date with a sexy, elite GFE escort who knows exactly what her 'part-time boyfriend' wants and how to give it to him!

Ready to see all the GFE escorts? London latest escorts listings

Independent GFE Escort | Christina

  • Hot blonde in panties and a white tank top
  • Elite blonde London GFE with a statuesque figure and the most perfect hourglass figure.

    28 y/o | £350 p/h | 34D | Incall & Outcall

    Click For Full List Of GFE Escorts

    Girlfriend Experience Escort

    GFE escorts bring a new dimension to the more traditional 'wham bam, thank you ma'am' experience. It's more about chemistry, about feeling at ease and comfortable with each other. being able to explore deeper desires and try new experiences. Just like you would with a girlfriend that your trust and whom trusts you. Providing the perfect girlfriend experience is certainly an art form which some of the beautiful independent escorts listed with us have certainly perfected. Isn't it time you ditched the long-term girlfriend for an endless variety of short-term girlfriends? Now doesn't that sound exctiting!

    London escorts directory

    Independent GFE Escorts

    We have been listed London's finest high class independent escorts since 2002. Punters know that they can depend on our listings for genuine escorts with genuine photos. With our absolutely no fake photos policy we ensure that the girls listed with us are genuine and of the highest quality. Beautiful young professional, models and students looking to spend time with affluent gentlemen like yourself and to show you just how perfect a girlfriend they can be!

    Teen London Escorts